Syllabus of EE442
Electrical Network Analysis
To learn various electrical circuits analysis techniques, to familiarize with two-port networks and to learn various frequency response plots and understand their significance in filter design.
Recommended prerequisite:
- Background knowledge on differential equations and computational methods.
Rec./Quiz/Homework/Projects: 05 Series of problems and some quizzes in class.
Course Outline:
Chap. 1.Review and Generalities
Chap. 2.Introduction to Graph theory
Chap. 3.Topological network analysis
Chap. 4.Multi-port networks analysis
Chap. 5.Active Filters
Course evaluation:
Control exam 40% (it contains course work such as homeworks/quizzes: 10%, participation in the Rec. 10% and an exam 20%) + Final exam 60%.
1. M. E. Van Valkenburg, “Network Analysis”, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall, Inc, 1974.
2. M. Arshad, “Network Analysis and Synthesis”, Laxmi Publication LTD, 2006.
3. J. David Irwin, “Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis”, 10th Ed., Wiley, 2010.
- Teacher: Mouloud CHALLAL