Options d’inscription

Course Description:

Control is used to modify the behavior of a system so that it behaves in a specific desirable way over time. For example, we may want the speed of a car on the highway to remain as close as possible to a constant speed in spite of possible hills or adverse wind; or we may want an aircraft to follow a desired altitude, heading,and velocity profile independent of wind gusts; or we may want the temperature and pressure in a reactor vessel in a chemical process plant to be maintained at desired levels. All these are being accomplished today by control methods and the above are examples of what automatic control systems are designed to do, without human intervention. Control is used whenever quantities such as speed, altitude, temperature, or voltage must be made to behave in some desirable way over time.

This course introduces students to the theory and practice of linear control systems and emphasizes the analysis and design of feedback systems and their practical applications. The course also describes system modelling using differential equations, impulse response and transfer functions in addition to block diagram representation. Additional subjects covered by this course are analytical techniques (Laplace transform, state space methods) and stability evaluation (Routh-Hurwitz criteria, root-locus, Nyquist plot.

The definition and examples in addition to the general information concerning the course “linear control systems” is given in figure 1 and figure 2 respectively.

Figure 1: Definition du cours “Linear control systems”

                                                       Figure 1: Description of the course

Figure 2: Informations generales du cours

                                  Figure 2:General information about the course

I. Course Information:

-          Université M'Hamed BOUGARA de Boumerdes

-          Institute of Electricity and Electronics (IGEE)

-          Department: Control and Power Department

-          Students : 3rd year Licence in Electronics

-          Course title : Linear Control Systems

-          Credit: 04

-          Coefficient: 03

-          Duration: 15 Weeks

-          Number of hours per semester : 45Hrs

-          Number of hours per week : 03Hrs

-          Teaching Language: Anglais

-          Teacher: Mr. Hocine  LOUBAR

-          Contact: h.loubar@univ-boumerdes.dz

II. Assessment methods: 

The final evaluation is carried out through:

1. Ongoing and regular assessment: the continuous evaluation is at the rate of 50%, it allows you to earn points throughout the semester, this continuous evaluation is carried out through the following different forms:

  • Grades obtained in the quizzes.
  • Grades obtained in individual and collective projects.
  • Grades obtained in the labs and the preparation of the pre-labs.

2. A written final exam : The final exam counts for 50% of the final grade and covers everything you have seen in this course during the semester. This exam consists of different types of questions, for example:

  • Problems to be solved similar or close to the problems treated during the course or the quizzes.
  • Summary questions (via MCQs, QCUs)
  • Questions dealt with during the labs, through the preparation of the pre-labs.

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